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Welcome Introductions & Background Focus Session 1: Values Findings Coffee Break Focus Session 2: Values Ensembles Quick Synopsis: emerging themes Lunch Break Focus Session 3: Values in Action Coffee Break Synopsis and Discussion Break ‘The Denver Manifesto’, Dissemination Plans Workshop end |
All three Focus Sessions will follow a similar structure: after 5 to 10 minutes of introduction, participants will break out into small groups of 2 to 3 people. This structure has been applied successfully to other workshops. Participants will receive a series of guiding questions and be asked to discuss the topics and document their outcomes on flip charts. Before the break, each group will have 3 minutes to present their findings, stories, and suggestion for actions.
At the Quick Synopsis session before lunch, a first round of reflections will provide an overview of the major themes, challenges and leads that have been produced thus far. The Synopsis and Discussion in the afternoon will provide the opportunity to develop emerging themes in more depth and work towards a succinct set of principles which will be jointly identified as having high impact potentials in bringing ‘lesser spotted’ values to the center stage of computing research.
The final session will focus on an agreed draft of such principles and close by discussing possible avenues for dissemination. A social gathering and communal dinner at the end of the workshop is also on the agenda.